Mind Control/Ritual Abuse

David Icke exposes the reptilian agenda and their human ritual sacrifices they have with world leaders and politicians participating in and even shape-shifting themselves to reveal their true form as reptilian entities. This shocking series also explores the mind control that the government participates in using MK Ultra and other agencies to carry out their acts of brainwashing children and adults to carry out their agenda and malevolent deeds. Arizona Wilder reveals her life story as a mind control victim and one who has been at the ritual sacrifices and has seen the reptilians for herself. Have an open mind and get ready to be shocked and appalled at the horror that is really going on in the world
Mother off darkness castle in Brussel
Came up in the Dutroux x files and Arizona speaks about it and Fritz Springmeier talks about this castle in his books....scary castle
The Cathy O`Brien Story, read --> The Transformation of Amerika
ARD N24 - Ritueel Kindermisbruik
WAARSCHUWING: Deze documentaire bevat schokkende beelden en is niet geschikt voor minderjarige of gevoelige kijkers. Wat is de rol van justitie in Nederland m.b.t. het europese kindermisbruiknetwerk? Deze video behoort tot de jdtv playlist het spoor van de kinderverkrachters http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=7ABF3E1053079D4B

1 comment:

Raine said...

Thank you for sharing these and for all the work you've done on your site. Excellent job! I'd love to link your site to mine if you are interested. Best wishes!